Tin Tin's Sailing Calendar

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Aground in the Iles de Glenan

Sunday 5th July 2015 Benodet
The boat feels more crowded now with 6 aboard, after our week as just 2 of us - Mark and Paul.

We have just unfolded the 2 bikes for the first time and cycled into the village to the boulangerie, where we bought 6 croissants, 4 pains au chocolate a pain au raisin (Shim) and 4 baguettes tradition (with split ends to look like rabbits (lapin = la pain?)

We received Kate and Alice on Thursday, and spent Friday night in the Iles de Glenan, anchored in shallow water off the horseshoe bay on the Ile du Loc'h. The water crystal clear and inviting was rather fresh, but with a warm inch on top.

We stayed to dry out on the sand overnight, watching the sun set red in the west, while tide ebbed.

As this was the first time we had grounded TinTin, I was relieved to see a few other boats with the same idea.  The wind was from the East but due to veer west during the night. I considered astern anchor, but with the horseshoe bay protecting us and a very flat sand bottom, I followed the others and swung gently to the changing wind. We went imperceptibly aground at 23:00 and at midnight Mark and I were out on the sand taking photos, and peering through the windows.  We came off again gently at about 03:00.

The following morning we made our way across to Ile St Nicolas, and picked up a mooring just south of La Pie beacon, and made our way ashore to walk round the island.  Lovely boardwalk and a fascinating selection of flowers.  The yellow Goatshorn Poppy, wild garlic (purple) and sea holly.

We stopped for a coffee overlooking the anchorage, with lots of groups learning sail in the bay.  Then a brisk sail back to Benodet to meet Shim and Emily.